modified | Wednesday 12 October 2022 |
I had a new laptop couple weeks ago at work, and I had to set it up with everything I need including the projects I have been working on from GitHub, I remembered how I usually git clone
every project I start working on, it involves going to GitHub to the project page, copy the clone URL then I go to my terminal, cd
to the projects directory and executes git clone
But what if I don’t need to do that, What if I just cloned all the repositories at once and update them all with one command, that could save a lot of time when I have a new machine or I came back from a long vacation and I want to update all the machines.
The implementation is pretty trivial, I should connect to GitHub API and get the list of repositories for me or the organization I want to clone, iterate over every repo and clone or update it, and because GitHub doesn’t return all repositories in one page I have to repeat that process until I get an empty page.
The following snippet does that, it needs some dependencies like tty-prompt
and colorize
both can be removed, but I like to have colored text and menus for that script.
1#!/usr/bin/env ruby
2require 'tty-prompt'
3require 'open-uri'
4require 'json'
5require 'colorize'
6require 'colorized_string'
8prompt =
10user_name = prompt.ask("What is name of the user or organisation?")
11type ="What type is it?", user: "users", organisation: "orgs")
14unless token
15 puts "Can't find GITHUB_API_TOKEN in you environment!".light_red
16 puts "Use the follow URL to generate a token:".light_red
17 puts "Then add it to your .bashrc/.bash_profile/...etc as a variable GITHUB_API_TOKEN".light_red
18 exit
21page = -1
22loop do
23 page += 1
24 url = "{type}/#{user_name}/repos?access_token=#{token}&page=#{page}"
25 repos = open(url).read
26 repos = JSON.load(repos)
27 break if repos.empty?
29 repos.each do |repo|
30 if Dir.exist?(repo["name"])
31 puts "Updating #{repo["name"]}...".light_blue
32 Dir.chdir(repo["name"]) do
33 system("git pull --all")
34 end
35 else
36 puts "Cloning #{repo["name"]}...".light_blue
37 system("git clone #{repo["ssh_url"]}")
38 end
39 end