Faculty of Computer and Informatics Suez Canal University curriculums list
Edited: Monday 10 October 2022

I’m one of the Faculty of computer and informatics Suez Canal University 2011 Alumni. I thought maybe what the faculty offers can be documented digitally for self-studying. or even for reviewing what we studied after years of graduation. The list is based off of the official website curriculum list I believe this list is different slightly from what I studied back in my time.

The faculty offers a 4 year program for a bachelor degree.

First Year

First Semester

  1. Calculus - Wikipedia - Youtube
  2. Introduction to Ecology - Wikipedia
  3. Introduction to Computer Science - Wikipedia - Textbook
  4. Introduction to Programming - Wikipedia - Youtube - Textbook
  5. Introduction to Information system - Textbook - Textbook
  6. Discrete math - Wikipedia - Youtube - Textbook

Second Semester

  1. Introduction to Databases - Wikipedia - Textbook
  2. Linear Algebra - Wikipedia - Youtube
  3. English language
  4. Statistics and Probabilities - Wikipedia - Youtube
  5. Object oriented programming - Wikipedia - Textbook - Textbook - Textbook - Textbook
  6. Arabic language

Second Year

First Semester

  1. Ordinary differential equations (ODE) - Wikipedia
  2. Data structures - Wikipedia - Youtube - Textbook
  3. Advanced mathematics
  4. English language
  5. Multimedia fundamentals - Wikipedia
  6. System analysis - Wikipedia

Second Semester

  1. Operations research - Wikipedia
  2. Files processing
  3. Physics
  4. Stochastic process - Wikipedia
  5. Information Theory - Wikipedia
  6. Technical Writing - Wikipedia

Third Year

Computer Science

First Semester

  1. Algorithms Analysis - Wikipedia - Textbook
  2. Concepts of programming languages
  3. Computer Graphics - Wikipedia
  4. Introduction to Networking - Wikipedia - Textbook
  5. Assembly language - Wikipedia - Youtube - Textbook
  6. One of the following (student choice):
    1. Human computer interaction - Wikipedia
    2. Advanced computer programming
    3. Web programming - Youtube
    4. Computer Networking management

Second Semester

  1. Compilers theory and design - Wikipedia
  2. Logical programming - Wikipedia - Youtube - Textbook
  3. Computer architecture - Wikipedia - Youtube - Textbook - Textbook - Textbook
  4. Design patterns - Wikipedia - Textbook
  5. Modeling and simulations - Wikipedia
  6. One of the following (student choice):
    1. Digital signal processing
    2. Neural networks
    3. Object oriented databases

Information systems

First Semester

  1. Computer Networking management
  2. Information retrieval systems - Wikipedia - Textbook
  3. E-business
  4. Decision support and business intelligence systems - Textbook
  5. Object oriented databases
  6. One of the following (student choice):
    1. Libraries information systems
    2. information visualization (?) رؤية المعلومات
    3. Information Modeling and deduction (?) تمثيل المعلومات والاستدلال
    4. Web programming - Youtube

Second Semester

  1. Electronic governance - Textbook - Textbook
  2. Multimedia databases
  3. Timeseriese databases
  4. Information Security
  5. Corporate networking management
  6. One of the following (student choice):
    1. Multi-dimensional databases
    2. Human languages databases
    3. Neural networks

Fourth Year

Computer Science

First Semester

  1. Data communication
  2. Image processing - Wikipedia
  3. Operating systems theory - Wikipedia - Youtube - Textbook
  4. Dynamic programming languages
  5. One of the following (student choice):
    1. Virtual Reality
    2. Performance evaluation (?) تقييم كقاءة الاداء
    3. Data mining
  6. Graduation Project

Second Semester

  1. Computer Arabization
  2. Artificial Intelligence (AI) - Youtube - Textbook
  3. Computer vision systems
  4. Distributed systems - Wikipedia
  5. One of the following (student choice):
    1. Wireless communication
    2. Expert systems
    3. Parallel processing - Youtube - Textbook - Textbook
  6. Graduation Project

Information systems

First Semester

  1. Bio-Informatics
  2. Data mining
  3. Knowledge base systems
  4. Medical information systems
  5. One of the following (student choice):
    1. Higher level text databases (?) قواعد بيانات النصوص الفوقية
    2. E-commerce
    3. Web information systems
  6. Graduation Project

Second Semester

  1. Geographical information systems
  2. Data warehouse
  3. Distributed databases
  4. Expert systems
  5. One of the following (student choice):
    1. E-learning
    2. E-health
    3. E-banking
  6. Graduation project


Retired courses

The faculty used to have some courses that were removed in favor of others apparently. the following are courses that I studied but I can’t find them on the list of this years curriculum

  1. Partial Differential Equations (PDE)


  • Clarify items with (?) in front of them as the Arabic name doesn’t reflect the content
  • Add links to Wikipedia pages
  • Add textbook reference for all subjects
  • Add YouTube courses for all subjects
