Questions to interviewers
Edited: Wednesday 14 December 2022


The following are questions I asked when I was being interviewed for a job


  • Can you describe your normal work day?
  • What are the top things you like about company and the top things you would like to improve?
  • What do you think I can help the team with?


  • How long does it usually take for a change to go from product change request to deployment?
  • What’s the usual journey for a product change from ideation to technical tasks?


  • Am I allowed to use a linux machine?
  • How do we make technical decisions?
  • Who is responsible for the setting up and maintaining the infrastructure?
  • What’s the state of technical debt and how do we deal with it?

Inter-team collaboration

  • In case a change is needed in another team-owned project. which team is responsible for introducing the change?