Single Machine Startup Company System
Edited: Wednesday 1 January 2025


Technology is moving fast. This is true for the tools we developers are using to build web applications. You wake up everyday on news about new library or framework or a new feature in the language you’re already using. Tools are getting more complex and layers of abstractions are added over each other faster than I can keep up with. Marketing are getting stronger everyday. Reading documentation for a framework/program recently triggers me with a lot of marketing sentences that doesn’t deliver any concrete proof to their claims, just shiny buzz words that should excite me to use this new tool.

With that I think it’s more sane for me to understand the existing software that I have on my system before I add anything to it. I’m using Linux on all of my work machines and servers. That means I should gain a deeper understanding to the userland applications that comes with my work machine distribution (Archlinux) and the one I use on my servers (Ubuntu). With a better understanding to what the system can already do I would gain a more stable knowledge that has a further expiration date than say a new components JavaScript library.

This following will be my attempt to aggregate the knowledge I gained to build an organized Linux system that can host multiple Web services for a small company. I’ll try to use the system features as much as possible before adding more software. Software choices will favor boring old software than new and shiny ones. I’ll try to keep it simple. That doesn’t mean it’ll be an easy task but a simpler one with less abstraction layers to understand and maintain. I’ll try to keep what I do relevant to two Linux distributions (Archlinux and Ubuntu).

At the end of this page we should have a Linux system that’s ready to host several web applications with all it needs from HTTP servers, database servers, caching server, logs and monitoring..etc.

A New Linux server, Where should I start?

You can get a good VPS server for cheap price from many providers, Digital ocean and Linode are famous choices, My favorite provider is Hetzner their prices are way better and they are very reliable I’m have been a customer for 5 years now with no issues.

Allow SSH key login and disable password login

The default login to your VPS server uses a username and password so lets make that better.

We’ll create an RSA key pair for you, on your machine execute this command:


Then copy the generated public key to your server

ssh-copy-id -i ~/.ssh/ root@your-server-ip

Now SSHing to your server should work without a password, make sure of that before disabling the password login.

Disable the password login in your server SSH by editing /etc/ssh/sshd_config and set ChallengeResponseAuthentication and PasswordAuthentication to no.

After editing the file changes won’t apply to the current SSH server until you reload it. SSH is running as systemd service, to reload it

systemctl reload ssh

Here is a bonus, If you already have systemd running on your system you can execute the systemctl commands with -H root@your-server-ip to execute the command on your server. You don’t need to login to execute it. the -H argument will execute the command on the remote server.

For the previous couple commands we used the ssh-keygen and ssh-copy-id from openssh package and sshd on the server and systemctl from systemd to reload the service. I encourage you to read more about them. Try reading their manual page on your machine with man command-name.

If you want to show your server SSH service logs you can use another program from systemd package journalctl to do that.

journalctl --unit ssh

Make it easier to SSH

On your local machine SSH command reads ~/.ssh/config to know about the servers and their IP addresses and which keys to use and which user…etc so I do a simple configuration for my SSH server in this file as follows:

Host vps
     User root
     IdentityFile ~/.ssh/id_rsa

This will allow you to ssh to your server with this

ssh vps

instead of this


The IdentityFile line is not necessary if you’re using ~/.ssh/id_rsa but if you generated the VPS private key to another file use it here.

This simple configuration saved me a lot of time.

Many guides on the web recommend having SSHd listening on another port than the default and disabling the root user login and using another user name. I fail to see the benefit for that so far but feel free to do it if you wish.

Update the system packages

Lets update the packages. The command will depend on your distribution.

Ubuntu: apt update && apt upgrade && apt autoremove
Archlinux: pacman -Syu

Clean the system

I also review the installed packages and uninstall the unnecessary ones, list your installed packages with

Ubuntu: apt list --installed
Archlinux: pacman -Qet

Then uninstall the ones you feel not useful to you.

Ubuntu: apt remove <package-name>
Archlinux: pacman -Rs <package-name>

And review the running services and stop the ones you don’t need

systemctl list-unit-files --state=enabled

Also the enabled timers

systemctl list-timers

Enable the firewall

Lets allow SSH only for now and enable the firewall, make sure you can login with SSH after doing it

ufw allow ssh
ufw enable

Setting up users groups

First concept we’ll map from our company is Teams. Each team in the company we’ll correspond to a Linux group. Teams members will be Linux users in their teams group. Simple and straight forward.

So for each team in the company we’ll create a user and a group. Initially I was set to create only a group for each team, but I also need projects to work under teams not team members. So As creating a new user will also create a group for him I decided to create a user + group for each team. This way we can use the user home for projects and for running services (we’ll get in to that later).

useradd -m teamname
useradd -m membername
usermod -a -G teamname membername

So for every team member he’ll have his home directory for private files and team home for projects and shared data.

chmod 770 /home/teamname
chmod g+s /home/teamname

Each team directory will be readable and writable for each member of the team.

Give access to each team member

Each user should generate an SSH key and you should get their public key and add it to their .ssh/authorized_keys

Our first web service

Now we have our teams setup and team members on our system, they can login and use the system existing software, they can download binaries and run it as they wish.

This means if there is a program one of our teams wrote they can run it by login and putting the project files in their team home directory and run the program to listen on a port.

Having this application run as the team user instead of the team member user is the first challenge we’ll tackle.

Running web service as a systemd service

This is the next concept we’ll map from our real world to the system. Each project we’ll need to run on our system will be equivalent to a systemd service.

Systemd manages our system resources, background services like the http server, database server, redis server, networking, and alot of things we’ll use some of them in time.

Systemd allow us to define our own services and run it as a user on this system as long as we’re logged into the system.

First lets define our service file. In your team home directory you need to create file for your web service /home/teamname/.config/systemd/user/myservice.service with similar content

Description=A useful web service



Now reload systemd to discover this new service file

systemctl daemon-reload

Listing systemd services with systemctl list-unit-files should have your new service among them.

enabling it and starting it should run your service

systemctl enable myservice --user
systemctl start myservice --user

And when you login to the system with any this team group account the service will start automatically. When you logout it’ll be stopped.

To make the service run on boot we need to turn on the lingering for the team, and as this is a common use case you’ll need to do it for all the teams

loginctl enable-linger teamname

The only problem now is that we login as a team member and we want to run the previous enable and start commands as this team user not our user so the service runs for the team and any one in the team can control it. If you executed the commands as you the service will run under the team member account which will make it stop when he’s logged out.

So we need team member to switch to the group user when they want without password, the command responsible about that is

sudo -u teamname command

But it asks for a password, so to allow team members for teamname to sudo without password as teamname user. Add the following line to /etc/sudoers for each team.

%teamname ALL = (teamname) NOPASSWD: ALL

Now any team member can start/stop/enable/disable the service for the team.

sudo -u teamname systemctl start myservice --user

And it’ll keep running after the team member logout, If necessary you can have a CI user for each team that execute these commands as part of your continuous integration steps.

So far our service will be used inside the system, so if the service listens on port 8080 you can curl it with

curl http://localhost:8080

so lets improve this localhost to our actual company name companyname

hostnamectl companyname

And add your domain name to /etc/hosts to allow local services to resolve it faster when using it to refer to other services    companyname.tld

So now you can curl your service with curl http://companyname.tld:8080 instead.

Further securing your web service

Systemd provides many features to isolate your service so in the case of misbehaving it’ll do the least damage possible to the system.

Each of these features can be turned on by adding the property name in the service file. for example NoNewPreivileges ensures that the service or any of it’s children CANNOT gain more privileges. ProtectSystem=full will mount /usr and /boot and /etc as readonly for this service, ProtectSystem=strict will make the whole filesystem read only for this service. You can also whitelist paths to be writable if you made the ProtectSystem=strict with ReadWritePaths or forbid accessing certain paths with InaccessiblePaths. PrivateTmp will make the service see /tmp directory empty for the service so services doesn’t read each other /tmp files.

Many of these features are listed in man systemd.exec especially “Sandboxing” section.

Special environment variables for the service

Most of the time projects read their configuration from the system environment, with Systemd you can set EnvironmentFile=/path/to/.envfile to set the file content as environment for this service.

Checking your service logs

Journalctl will keep the service standard output and standard error to log files you can check it with:

sudo -u teamname journalctl --unit myservice --user

journalctl will keep your logs to 10% of the filesystem or 4GB of data which ever is reached first you can change that from /etc/systemd/journald.conf. You can see all logs of the team with

sudo -u teamname journalctl

You can check logs for a service since or until a date with --since and --until which accepts several formats like “today” “yesterday” or “ 28 September 2020 ” then you can pipe it to grep to search for a specific log.

Making the service accessible on the internet

Now we need this service to be accessible on the internet through www.companyname.tld. As our system will have many web services each one of them will listen on a port inside our system and we’ll then route the traffic from port 80 to the service based on the hostname.

so we can route www.companyname.tld to and order.companyname.tld to and so on.

As port 80 can be only used by a service running as root it’ll be the responsibility or the root user to setup new services incoming traffic routing.

The current system can’t do this with existing tools. We’ll need to use an application that listens on port 80 and route traffic. I choose haproxy for this.

Ubuntu: apt install haproxy
Archlinux: pacman -S haproxy

Then change the configuration file /etc/haproxy/haproxy.cfg to this

  maxconn 256

  mode http
  timeout connect 5000ms
  timeout client 50000ms
  timeout server 50000ms

frontend http
  bind *:80
  use_backend myservice if { hdr(host) -i www.companyname.tld }

backend myservice
  server myservice

In the future if you want to add another service you’ll need to duplicate the use_backend line and the backend block.

Lets enable and start haproxy

systemctl enable haproxy
systemctl start haproxy

Now haproxy is listening on port 80, but the traffic is rejected by the firewall. lets allow HTTP traffic.

ufw allow http

You can for sure automate these steps with some code and a CI pipeline.

Now you can add DNS A record to your DNS provider to your server that route all traffic under *.companyname.tld to the server IP address.

If you used Cloudflare you can turn on their CDN feature and it’ll hide the server IP address behind their proxy network, so the DNS will resolve to their proxy and the proxy will communicate with your server. and in this case you can actually refuse any traffic coming to Haproxy except from cloudflare IPs.

A note on automation

Mybe we did everything manually here but that doesn’t mean it’s the only way. You can still automate every step we did so far with a bash script and scp it and execute it on the host with ssh vps /path/to/script, it’s as simple as that. If this is too easy for you there is always more automation software to squeez in your tech stack.

It’s never done

There is always problems to solve and improvements to the system like:

  • Limiting home directories sizes for team member as it doesn’t need to be large at all.
  • Get notifications when the system resources are exhausted like the disk free space is too low or the CPU usage is too high for some time or memory usage is too high
  • Limiting services memory/cpu/filesystem usage which is supported by systemd
  • Archive old logs to remote system
  • Backup the system to external machine or create filesystem screenshots if you choose a filesystem that supports it like ZFS

The important thing is Linux systems can be multitenent and one system can hold a small company software, expanding the resources can go a long way before you hit the system actual limits. Communication won’t need any expensive network requests and sharing files is the default.

The only thing that will stop in your way is inefficient software, and for that you’ll need to make abit of an extra effort to tame it.

Further exploration

I want to explore this idea further more. I want to make this system/company independent of any other company as much as possible. I want this single machine to have the software needed for internal use of this company.

Think about this:

  • If we can run services on this server machine and it’s only accessible from inside the server itself
  • Only our team members can access services inside the server
  • We can use SSH to open a SOCKS5 proxy connection from local machine to this server.
  • Our local programs can use SOCKS5 to access the services inside this system.

This means we can do this:

  • Start IRC server inside this server that listen on
  • User can open SOCKS5 proxy ssh -D 8888 -q -C -N user@server
  • Then use IRC client on their machine to connect to companyname.tld:6667 proxying through port.

This Implies:

  • Users has to have access to the server to connect to the service (IRC) in this case
  • If one of the users left the organization locking his account will lock him out of all the services at the same time.
  • the organization control the service and all it’s data
  • users can use services inside the system to complement their system, like if one service depend on the other they can develop one on their machine and let it connect to te other service inside the machine.

This concept can be used to run some services as an alternative to popular applications startups are using nowadays:

  • IRC server for chatting instead of Slack
  • MediaWiki as a replacement for Confluence for example
  • OpenProject instead of Jira/Asana/Trello
  • Use it as git server, on the server create a directory for the project then git init --bare then add it as a remote on your machine user@server.ip.address:/path/to/directory then you can push/pull/branch it’ll act like github just without a UI

Note: You can have an OpenVPN server running instead of using SOCKS5 proxy.

See Also